Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Long Time no Blog.............
Sorry for the long delay but my human has been having some health issues. Im so relieved he is feeling much better now !!
Now that I dont have to worry about him anymore I'll be keeping you up on my latest adventures.

This is a new picture of myself after I was on the look out on top of the clean laundry . I just love the smell of the freshly cleaned clothes and they are very comfy !!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


The Greatest Toy on Earth

The Brown Paper Bag.....
How could anything so simple be so much fun? I look forward to when my human comes back from shopping knowing beside bringing home some treats he will also have "The Greatest Toy on Earth " !!
I can play for hours with it. Its a fort, a cave , my secret hideout , it can be anything this kitty can imagine.
I just love the crinkling sound it makes everytime I crawl on or inside it !
God made the Earth in seven days , on the eighth he made plain brown paper bags !!!

Monday, August 24, 2009


This is an ode to Snoopy the Cat
My bestest bud and thats a fact.
He's always there on the double
whenever I get into trouble.
He might not stop me , that is true.
But he enjoys the antics that I do.
So heres to you my feline pal, Im glad we get along so well !

Just thought I would show my appreciation to Snoopy for always being there for me ! Sometimes I think he might feel left out.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jazz's Green Paw

I don't know why Im so fascinated with the house plants.
It could be the smell or their prettiness . It could be that I can climb up in them and pretend Im a panther hiding in the jungle waiting for my prey to pass by. I just cant get enough of playing with the plants and as I stated in an earlier post, They make a convenient potty when nature calls. My humans sister's birthday is comming up so I think I'll get her some plants that we both can share !
* * Always make sure that all your plants are kitty safe !!** this site has a nice chart to refer to.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Remembrance of Puz the Cat


Though we have never met ,This kitty has touched my heart and soul.
May this sweet Cat rest in Peace !!

" A Cat will always be remembered by the love it left behind. "


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

In Trouble Again.

I never said I was an Angel so it was no surprise that I got in Trouble again. I just can't stay away from my Human's sister'splants. They are some much fun to dig up and to play with.You might say Im getting a green paw !
I don't mean to make messes but they just happend. This morning She caught me (for the lack of a better term for it)
fertalizing her plants. I just thought it would make them greener
and besides my litter box was just too far away. Its funny when I get in trouble so does my human. So we are both in the
dog house now !!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Interesting Kitty sites

Some Fun Kitty sites you might Enjoy !

My first Adventure

As a kitten Im always curious and when I found my way to my human's sister room I was amazed of all the fun stuff she had laying around, little bottles of stuff and shiny things that beat any toys I had to play with. It was time for this kitty to have fun!
I decided to first see what was in that big bag she always carries around, it smelled like flowers and just filled with so many wonderful doo-dads I just had to pull everything out to examine them all. I then discovered a rack filled with what she wears around her neck and in her ears ,they were fun to play with after I pulled everyone down .
After batting them around I decided to hide some so I can play with them later on. It wasn't too long before she discovered me in the midst of trying to climb a blue furry scarf hanging over a chair.
To make a long story short, her door is now always closed !!
Snoopy and his sister Spotsy

A Short History Of Jazz the Cat

My story really begins before I was even born. My human had to move from Texas back to New York and he was unable to take his two cats with him so he left them with his girlfriend.
His sister for his birthday got him two kittens , knowing how much he missed his other cats he had to leave behind. They were brother and sister named Spotsy and Snoopy.
Jump ahead three years : A sad thing happend and Spotsy had a stroke and was paralized from her shoulders down due to a blood clot . Even sadder she passed away soon afterwards.
Snoopy missed his sister badly and was very lonely. To lift his spirits and to give him a companion I was adopted. Snoopy and I have been best of buddies ever since.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

My arch-enemies ..Sissy, Cici and Muffin,
The weinnie dogs I know by the name
The Terrible Trio . Trust me you will be hearing about this unruly gang alot.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I Love wrestling but I think I finally met
my match !!

This is my guardian and bestest buddy Snoopy
in a while I 'll fill you all in about me and tell you of all of my great adventures !

Hello World this is "Jazz the Manic Cat "
and this is my first blog !!!